
Hammer Toe

Podiatry located in Edina and Burnsville, MN

Hammer Toe

Hammer Toe services offered in Edina and Burnsville, MN

Hammertoe is a progressive foot condition that won’t go away on its own. The podiatrists at Pinnacle Foot & Ankle Clinics in Edina and Burnsville, Minnesota, provide comprehensive care for hammertoe, offering both conservative and progressive approaches. Call the nearest office or schedule an appointment online today to get help for your hammertoe from an experienced team of podiatrists.

Hammer Toe Q&A

What is hammertoe?

Hammertoe is a foot deformity affecting the joints in the second, third, and fourth toes. It rarely develops in the little toe. Instead of lying flat, hammertoe causes the affected toe to bend upward at the joint, putting extra pressure on the toe when wearing shoes. This abnormality can form painful corns at the joint or callus on the tip of the toe.

The contraction of the toe joint is caused by an imbalance between the leg or foot muscles and the toe’s tendon. This imbalance pulls on the tendon, causing the joint to bend.

Unless treated, hammertoe gets worse with time. The skilled podiatrists at Pinnacle Foot & Ankle Clinics recommend early treatment to prevent or delay complications.

What kinds of hammertoe are there?

The team classifies your hammertoe based on the degree of your deformity. The three types are:

Flexible hammertoe

With flexible hammertoe, you can move and straighten out the affected joint. This kind of hammer toe is the condition’s earliest stage.

Semi-rigid hammertoe

When the tendon starts to stiffen, you have a semi-rigid hammertoe. At this stage, you’ll have a harder time straightening the toe.

Rigid hammertoe

Rigid hammertoe occurs when the tendons tighten, preventing you from moving the toe.

What happens during a hammertoe evaluation?

The Pinnacle Foot & Ankle Clinics team takes an individualized approach to care. Your provider can diagnose hammertoe during an evaluation. Still, they complete a thorough exam to fully understand your deformity’s extent so they can design the most effective treatment plan.

The team reviews your symptoms and medical history and examines your feet and toes. They order onsite X-rays to assess the severity of the deformity.

How is hammertoe treated?

Treatments for hammertoe vary, depending on your foot problem and symptoms. Initially, the team takes a conservative approach and could recommend:

  • Foot padding to prevent corns and calluses
  • Custom-fitted orthotics (personalized shoe inserts)
  • Change in footwear
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Splinting and strapping

If you have a painful or rigid hammertoe, the team could recommend surgery to fix the deformity. During hammertoe surgery, your podiatrist lengthens the contracted tendon by removing the knuckle in the toe joint.

Don’t delay hammertoe treatment. Call the nearest Pinnacle Foot & Ankle Clinics office or schedule an appointment online today.